Today we come with a third introduction post about one of our project-partners
Take a look and find out some interesting information about our partner from Portugal!
Who is
ADCS Carvalhais
from Portugal ??
The “Carvalhais Social, Cultural and Sport Association” (ADCS Carvalhais) was founded in 1991. Some of the most important activities of this local sport association during many years have been the organization and participation in football tournaments (you can see it in the logo).
Most recently mountain biking and other types of sport activities had brought a new dynamic to the association. In this moment, the ADCS Carvalhais activities have a big spectrum – they go from sport through the culture to the social area.
Succeed in this project and spread knowledge about sport for children
A word of wisdom:
We are a young and dynamic organization based in the North of Portugal but with the eyes on the Europe and in the rest of the World.